We organize in-house training programmes for Corporate houses based on their specific requirements. A list of indicative programmes that can be conducted are as under.
- Art of Delegation and Empowerment
- Change Management
- Conflict Management
- Developing Positive Assertiveness – Don’t say YES when you want to say “NO’
- Effective Communication
- Effective Decision Making & Problem Solving
- Effective Public Speaking
- Emotional Intelligence
- Etiquette & Manners
- Globalization – The New Challenges
- Happy Family
- Human Relations
- Japanese Housekeeping basics – 5 ‘S” for enhancing office productivity
- Knowledge Management
- Marketing & Selling Skills
- Meditation & Relaxation
- Written Communication & Telephone Skills
- Memory Techniques
- Mind Power
- Negotiation Skills
- Creative thinking
- Customer Service
- Plan your Work – Work your Plan
- Positive Self Esteem and Self Image
- Power of Positive thinking and Possibility thinking
- Principle Centered Leadership
- Professional Excellence
- Quality of Work Life
- Self Management
- Self Motivation & Self Confidence
- Self Renewal
- Seven Habits of Highly Effective people
- Six Thinking Hats – A new approach to decision making
- Stress Management
- Team Building
- Time Management and work prioritization – Firstthings
- Transactional Analysis to enhance workplace
- Vison, Mission & Goals
- Work Ethics & Work Culture
* The above list is only indicative and we can tailor make programmes as per your requirement.
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